Regional Seismicity

Friday April 24, 2015

Skip directly to text table of Largest earthquakes in this region

Historical earthquakes magnitude 5.0 and larger

Earthquakes magnitude 2.0 and larger, 2000 - present

Largest earthquakes in the region

Date Magnitude Type Longitude Latitude
1929/05/26 7.0 ML -130.74 51.51
1949/08/22 8.1 MS -133.27 53.62
1956/02/19 6.5 MS -131.37 51.61
1956/12/21 6.7 ML -130.60 51.29
1960/07/04 6.6 MS -131.19 51.79
1970/06/24 7.4 MS -130.76 51.77
1992/04/06 6.8 MS -130.46 50.55
2004/06/28 6.8 Mw -134.25 54.80
2008/01/05 6.5 Mw -131.06 51.07
2009/11/17 6.5 Mw -131.78 51.82
2012/10/28 7.7 Mw -132.24 52.55
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